Supported Lexaurus REST calls
- /vbe/linkeddata/vocab.%FORMAT%
- List all vocabulary headers in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/vocab/%AUTHORITY%.%FORMAT%
- List all vocabulary headers which have the supplied authority code in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/vocab/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%.%FORMAT%
- View a single vocabulary header described by the authority code and the identifier in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/vocab/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/topterms.%FORMAT%
- List the top terms of the vocabulary described by the authority code and identifier in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/vocab/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/term/%TERM%.%FORMAT%
- View a single term within the vocabulary described by the authority code, vocabulary identifier and term identifier in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/vocab/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/term/%TERM%/rels.%FORMAT%
- View a list of the relations of a single term described by the authority code, vocabulary identifier and term identifier in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/vocab/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/term/%TERM%/reason/%REL_TYPE%.%FORMAT%
- View the entire hierarchy of terms above (REL_TYPE=BT) or below (REL_TYPE=NT) this term (can return a large data set)
- /vbe/linkeddata/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/current
- View the current revision number of the vocabulary described by the authority code and identifier.
- /vbe/linkeddata/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/count.xthes
- Obtain the term count of the latest revision of vocabulary decribed by the authority code and identifier
- /vbe/linkeddata/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/revision/%REVISION%/count.xthes
- Obtain the term count of the revision of vocabulary described by the authority code, identifier and revision
- /vbe/linkeddata/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%.%FORMAT%
- View the xml for the vocabulary described by the authority code and identifier in the specified format
- /vbe/linkeddata/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/attachment.%FORMAT%
- Download the vocabulary described by the authority code and identifier as an attachment in the specified format
- /vbe/linkeddata/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/revisions
- View the xml containing the different revisions at which the vocabulary described by the authority code and identifier has been published
- /vbe/linkeddata/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/revision/%REVISION%.%FORMAT%
- View the xml for vocabulary described by the authority code and identifier at the indicated revision in the specified format
- /vbe/linkeddata/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/revision/%REVISION%/attachment.%FORMAT%
- Download the vocabulary described by the authority code and identifier at the indicated revision as an attachment in the specified format
- /vbe/linkeddata/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/history/%FROM%/%TO%
- View the xml describing the history of the vocabulary between the 2 supplied revisions
- /vbe/linkeddata/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/history/%FROM%/%TO%/attachment
- Download the xml describing the history of the vocabulary between the 2 supplied revisions as an attachment
- /vbe/linkeddata/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/delta/%FROM%/%TO%
- View the xml describing the delta (end point differences) between the 2 supplied revisions of the vocabulary
- /vbe/linkeddata/%AUTHORITY%/%VOCABULARY%/delta/%FROM%/%TO%/attachment
- Download the xml describing the delta (end point differences) between the 2 supplied revisions of the vocabulary as an attachment
- /vbe/linkeddata/repository/revision.xthes
- Obtain the current repository revision
- /vbe/linkeddata/authority.xthes
- List all authorities in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/authority/%CODE%.xthes
- View a single authority using its code in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/schema.xthes
- List all schemas in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/schema/%CODE%.xthes
- View a single schema using its code in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/profile.xthes
- List all profiles in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/profile/%CODE%.xthes
- View a single profile using its code in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/property.xthes
- List all property definitions in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/property/%CODE%.xthes
- View a single property definition using its code in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/reltype.xthes
- List all relationship types in the specified format.
- /vbe/linkeddata/termtype.xthes
- List all term types in the specified format.
API Parameters
In this page the following parameters should be exchanged to build the correct URLs:
- A valid output format for a call. If this is omitted the default will be used (which depends upon your system configuration). The complete list of formats is: "zthes", "vdex", "skos", "nested", "json" and (for non-vocab calls) "xthes".There are additional parameters for version and type e.g. .vdex?type=nested,.zthes?version=1.2 etc
- Any authority code (e.g. given from the list authorities call).
- Any vocabulary identifier (e.g. given from the list vocabularies call).
- %TERM%
- Any term identifier (e.g. given from the top terms or term relations call).
- %CODE%
- Any schema, profile or property code, (e.g. given from the code element in a listxxx call).
- The revision number of the vocabulary
- %FROM%
- The from revision number for the purpose of comparing 2 vocabulary revisions
- %TO%
- The to revision number for the purpose of comparing 2 vocabulary revisions